The robot is an intelligent mechanical device, and the first robots were created in 1920 by “Czech Playwright Carel Capek.” Robotics is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, creation, and operation of robots. The term robotics evolved from the term robot. There are currently several types of robots available, including serial type, parallel type, walking type, and mobile type robots. A power supply, controllers, grippers, manipulators, and end effectors are the main components of robotics. When we think of a robot, the first thing that comes to mind is that it imitates someone. In reality, there is no such thing as a robot definition. However, there are some basic characteristics that a robot should have, such as intelligence, sensing, and energy.
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Latest Robotics Project Ideas for Engineering Students
Several engineering students are currently showing a strong interest in robotic projects. When compared to other electronics projects, they generate a lot of interest. These robotics projects in education are very popular; they are line following robots, pick and place robots, fire fighting, wall track, humanoids, and Hexapods, among others. These Robotics Project Ideas for Engineering Students will be beneficial while practising. As a result, we recommend that engineering students choose from these robotics kits because they are capable of operating them.
War Field Spying Robot using Night Vision Wireless Camera
The main goal of this project is to design a robotic vehicle that uses RF technology and a wireless camera for remote operation. In contrast, the wireless camera is used for monitoring. In conjunction with a camera, the robot can transmit video with night vision capabilities. This type of robot is useful in war zones for spying purposes. The microcontroller is used for the desired operations, an 8051. This project employs a night vision camera to capture images even in low-light conditions and wirelessly transmits them to a TV receiver. These robots are used in military applications such as sending information to a control unit or spying on enemy territory. This robot is operated via RF communication and a set of push buttons.
Auto Metro Train that Shuttles between Two Stations
The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the technology used in the movement of a metro train. Many developed countries use this project. The metro train is outfitted with a controller that allows the train to run automatically from one station to the next. This auto metro train project includes an automatic start/stop mechanism. So that the metro train arrives at a specific time and departs at a specific time. It has an automatic mechanism that opens and closes the door and counts the number of people entering the train.
Track Sensing Robotic Vehicle Movement
The primary goal of this project is to create a robot that follows a specific path. A black lane on a white floor could be the path. Track sensing robotic vehicles are used in a variety of applications ranging from being a guide in public places to being used in automatic vehicles. This robotic vehicle is designed by a pair of sensors to move along a curved black lane sensed by both motors.This track sensing robotic vehicle is powered by two DC motors. A transistor, which acts as a switch, controls these two motors. The two sensors, each with an IR LED and a photodiode, are placed beneath the circuit. When both sensors detect a white floor,
Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle
The primary goal of this project is to create a robotic vehicle capable of detecting metals and land mines. Land mines are unstable devices hidden beneath the ground, and manually detecting them with metal detectors is dangerous. A metal detector is embedded in the robot in this project and is controlled via RF communication.The number of pushbuttons is interfaced to the microcontroller at the transmitter end to run the robot in a specific motion. When a button is pressed, a signal is sent to the microcontroller, which then sends binary data to the button. The encoder converts parallel data to serial data, which is then transmitted via an RF module.
The robotic Arm Controlled through Nunchuck
This project teaches you how to program and mount a robotic arm using an Arduino Mega. This project differs from other arm-based projects in that it uses a Nintendo Nunchuk to control a robotic arm. It’s easy to find, inexpensive, and comes with a set of sensors.
Robotic Arm Controlled through Gesture
This project creates a robot that can be controlled using hand gestures. A kinetic sensor is used to capture the gestures in this case. The development of a robotic arm can be accomplished using servo motors that mimic the right arm’s shoulder and hand movements.
Omni Wheels Robot
The Omni wheel robot is used in this project. This robot is simple to design and build. This type of robot is capable of performing novel actions. This robot’s implementation is possible with an Arduino board and a motor driver circuit.