Self-acceptance and self-understanding are keys to controlling jealousy. Trying to control jealousy requires a strong determination to change and persistence to overcome the repetitive behaviors that play out every time you succumb to your jealous feelings.
To combat the emotional turmoil that jealousy causes and to take your life back from jealousy’s control, you must seek to understand why you act and feel the way you do. Knowing how you got to this point is crucial to getting jealousy under control.
It’s true that you can’t change the past, but unless you look at your past and find out how your feelings of jealousy evolved, you won’t be able to control jealousy as Eifersucht it arises. Don’t think that if you control your jealousy, worry, fear, or anger, you will be cured of your jealousy, you won’t. Until you have fully dealt with the problems of your past, the likelihood that you will feel or act on your jealous feelings and thoughts is not very high.
so here are a few steps to control jealousy
First, write down what is happening each time you begin to feel jealous. Write down what happened, why the event happened, what triggered the event in you, and what you did to control the circumstances of the event or situation.
This exercise of writing down what is going on is the first step in understanding what is going on. Your jealousy comes to you for a reason. It doesn’t just appear out of the blue. An important point to keep in mind is when dealing with jealousy; You need to realize that jealousy is often not based on real situations.
For example, jealous people are often afraid that their partner will cheat on them or leave them. If their partner hasn’t really given them a reason to be concerned, then that jealousy isn’t based on reality. It comes from the person’s past. And therefore, in order to control jealousy, you must first understand your past.
What events trigger your fear? What happened in your past that first made you fear that a loved one would leave or cheat on you or leave?
So Write Things Down
Once you have a list of events or feelings, look through them and see if you can identify the key triggers that are causing your jealousy to surface and grow stronger. To deal with jealousy, see if there is anything that can be done to increase your jealousy. Talk to your partner and try to make some arrangements that will control the situations and jealousy so you can feel more relaxed in your relationship.
Changing Situations Are Only Part Of The Answer
After trying to create situations that reduce the triggers of jealousy, it’s time to accept your past and ultimately yourself. By understanding your hot keys and triggers, you can now stop and think things through.
You know what triggers jealousy; You know what’s in your past that makes you feel the way you do — so when jealousy strikes, you can stop and ask yourself — is my jealousy real? Is my jealousy triggered by fear of the past? Most of the time the answer will be yes.
So take a deep breath and think about what’s happening, decide what’s real, and put things into perspective. Separate what is going on today from past fears and Eifersucht situations that help you control jealousy. Learn to control what you think and how you feel. Yes, it is true that this process will not cure your jealousy forever, but it will control the jealousy and provide you with a path to full recovery from jealousy and its overwhelming negative effects.